Winter is Here!

Winter is here! Or rather winter is slowly limping out now, since it took me a while to put this post up after I drew this cartoon. I think it's pretty safe to say we're all feeling done with winter, it's cold, it's dark and neither of those things …

Winter is here! Or rather winter is slowly limping out now, since it took me a while to put this post up after I drew this cartoon. I think it's pretty safe to say we're all feeling done with winter, it's cold, it's dark and neither of those things are super-fun in prolonged quantities.

It's funny, because when winter first arrives I think we're all a little glad. It's good to have an excuse to pull out the flannel PJs and snuggle up with a blanket and a box set. Then January comes, then February ... soon we've watched all our box sets, our PJs have lost their snuggliness (yes, that is a made-up word) we can't kick whatever cold or viral infection we've managed to pick up during the cold months and we're feeling totally fed up. Unfortunately we can't control the weather (unless you count the long term effects of global warming as our control of the weather) so we just have to PMA all over winter until it's finally spring. Yep that's right, pull out that positive attitude (cue eye-roll) and make the most of the lovely winter weather. It's time for new PJs, vitamins, more naps and as much puddle-jumping in the fresh air as you can.

My main tip for winter, take it easy! Of course you feel exhausted and rubbish, the animals are all sleeping because it's too icky to go outside but us humans are still getting up early and heading off to work because it has to be done. So be as kind to yourself as you can, be patient with yourself, give yourself a pass on doing ALL THE THINGS. Spring is coming and it'll soon be here! Before you know it, it'll be Autumn again (best season) and you'll say 'oooh, I'm quiet looking forward to wearing my woolly jumpers in a few weeks' and the whole cycle will begin again.